lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Kerger,F. (2012) Three-phase bi-layer model for simulating mixed flows

" To simulate air-entrapment and air-entrainment in transient mixed flow, this research establishes an original bi-layer three-phase mathematical model (section 2), which is then discretized  to develop the original computational code WOLF IMPack (section 3). In section 4, the validity and applicability of this module are asssessed by comparison with experimental, analytical, and numerical results."

This approach use 2 equations (continuity and momentum)  for the inferior mix water-air layer and 2 equations (continuity and momentum) for the superior air layer and 1 equation of diffusion of the air inside the  mix water-air layer. These 5 equations are solved by a finite volume method.

The applications show a good accuracy.

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