martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Gonzales,M. et al (2012) Transient two-dimensional simulation of real flood events in a mediterranean flodpalin

2D models avoid simple approximations like the 1D but with less cost than the 3D models.

DTMs could represent the terrain with good precision but the zones with water normally are represented with the top surface in DTMs, giving an uncertainty (Hunter et al. 2008) that must be the focus point in the terrain representation in Hydraulic models.
Governing Equations Use the depth average Navier Stokes equations using Manning to approximate the shear terms. To solve use the finite volume method with first order in time and space. Use some temperature model not explained but not use a ground water model that become with under or overstimation of the flooded area.
Discussion "An accurate prediction of flood inundation extent is a good test of model capabilities and is of a significant practical interest" (Bates et al. 1997). "Hydrologic connectivity is essential to the riparian ecosystem maintenance". "Hydromorphological processes define the dynamic equilibrium of habitat distribution with their characteristic biota (Schiemer et al. 1999)".


  1. Change between the decimal point and the multiplication sign to express the values of Fit_A (last 2 lines pp 633).
  2. The equipment not have accuracy, they have precision. the accuracy correspond to the method. If you are measuring area the accuracy must be in units of area ( 6th line pp 634).
  3. Change between the decimal point and the multiplication sign to express the values of Fit_D (last 14-15 lines pp 635).
  4. The description of the Hydrograph II was refered at L1 location and compared with Fig. 6, but Fig. 6 show the Hydrographs at L6 (pp 636).
  5. Change between the decimal point and the multiplication sign to express the values of \eta_0 (line 4, pp 639)

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